Live2Lead 2024

Friday, October 4, 9:00AM - 3:30PM at The Centre in Adrian, MI

Live2Lead is a leadership and personal growth event hosted by The John Maxwell Company. A portion of the proceeds from ticket sales this year will benefit Associated Charities of Lenawee.

Individual tickets are $140 per person, or bring your team and purchase a table of 8 for $1000. Tickets include watching Live2Lead 2024, lunch and an engaging program with other community leaders.

What people are saying

Live2Lead 2020 is engaging, inspiring, and will motivate you to continue to be the positive change you want to see in the world.
— Lisa F.
Take the opportunity to watch the future rebroadcasts. Many speakers with knowledge of not only their success, but the failures they went through to make them strong leaders.
— Rochelle G.
I really enjoyed the presentations!  I think it gave me the affirmation I needed to take the leap in some issues that have been on my heart, the racial equity issue being the primary one.  I liked what Craig Groeschel said, “If you have a burden on your heart, you are called to be a disruptor.”  He also said, “You are uniquely created to influence your organization—be a disruptor.  Disrupt what IS, and lead to what COULD BE.”  A pastor friend of mine likened my passion to address racial equity to “a time such as this”—the Queen Esther story in the Bible. Learning to be bold and to take steps out of my comfort zone. Imagine my amazement when John Maxwell said those same words, we are created for “a time such as this” at the end of the conference!  Wow! Pretty powerful for me, Bill!!
— Laura P.
Invest in yourself!
— Ashley V. 
Really authentic leaders sharing their stories! What a great experience! Thanks Bill Kenyon for bringing Live2Lead to Adrian.
— Stephanie Lundy
Great day full of learning.
— Sam Lofton