Bill Kenyon - Trainer

More book studies for High Road Leadership coming soon!

Throughout the year, we offer classes, mastermind groups, book studies and webinars to help you on your personal growth and leadership journey.

Change Your World Transformation and Action Tables

Full Focus Planner Training

As a business owner that just sold the business I was looking for my next “adventure” when I saw a post that Bill was offering a class it seemed like the right thing at the right time. Throughout the time we spent together it made me set short and long term goals. Although I have lots of goals I had never written them down before which made me be intentional and thoughtful about them. I learned to make yearly, quarterly, weekly and daily goals (but not too many) and to choose a daily big three. Some of Bill’s recommendation regarding reading were great but learning about the Full Focus Planner has changed everything for me. I am much more organized and get so much more done. I am a work in progress but feel like I am on the right track. Thanks, Bill.
— JoAnn Sanborn